This inservice reviews alternative approaches to bathing–including how to create a bathing routine that is client-centered and aggreable to clients and caregivers alike!
This lesson provides an update on the rights of healthcare consumers and how the Bill of Rights varies in different healthcare settings.
This course gives caregivers an overview of how brain and spinal cord injuries can affect clients.
This lesson provides information on establishing a therapeutic relationship, using boundaries to enhance trust, and communicating to build trust.
An overview of the dangers of immobility and how CNAs can improve the quality of life in their bedbound clients.
This course provides caregivers with an overview of the chemical hazard Right to Know law and the Globally Harmonized System for hazard communication.
This module provides an overview of client safety for both facilities and home care.
This course offers a basic review of CHF including a description of the disease, the causes and treatments for CHF and important facts about the disease.
This inservice is a great review of what it takes to be a top-notch caregiver.
Caregivers will review fall prevention, exercising after orthopedic surgery and orthopedic precautions for each area of the body.
This lesson provides caregivers with an overview of chemotherapy: what it is and how it is typically administered.
This inservice provides a review of the four basic vital signs… temperature, pulse, respirations and blood pressure.
This course reinforces which appropriate activities have a positive effect on the behaviors associates with Alzheimer’s disease.
This course covers benefits of physical, mental, and social activity and what complications may occur with inactivity.
This inservice provides caregivers with an overview of adult failure to thrive, including the causes and who is at risk.
This course covers some bed bug history and explains why they are reappearing as a major problem.
This course digs deep into the subject of headaches including when the symptoms may indicate an emergency.
A general overview of mental illness. this inservice provides a basic understanding of common mental disorders in order to foster compassion and patience among caregivers.
A review of the unique needs of younger adults in long term care.
This essential module provides caregivers with an overview of how infections are spread and the role that handwashing and PPE play in infection control.
This excellent inservice gives your caregivers a view of the body and its systems.
An overview of basic first aid including how to react to and handle emergency situations.
This excellent inservice provides your caregivers with an oveview of all the basics of nutrition and hydration.
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