This inservice provides a review of the four basic vital signs… temperature, pulse, respirations and blood pressure.
A review of the anatomy of the heart and lungs, the chain of survival and the C-A-Bs of CPR.
A collection of easy-to-digest snippets of information on all the little things you need to know to find success in your new role as a Home Care Nursing Supervisor.
This inservice offers a reminder of how important elimination is to health and well being.
This course provides a general overview of the basic principles and procedures of medication administration.
This module teaches aides how to play the role of an excellent caregiver using genuineness, empathy, kindness, and creativity!
A lesson for caregivers on the basics of mouth care, including the importance and benefits of good oral hygiene.
An overview of five commonly prescribed diets: low sodium, low fat, diabetic, high fiber and renal diets.
This course helps caregivers understand their role in reducing and preventing readmissions to the hospital.
This course gives caregivers an overview of domestic abuse, including who is at risk, why people become abusers and the types of domestic abuse.
This inservice provides caregivers with a review of the importance of quality improvement to healthcare organizations.
A lesson for caregivers on basic legal concepts including negligence, standards of care, confidentiality, and informed consent.
An overview of the risk factors and warning signs of suicidal behavior.
This course offers caregivers information about restraints, both physical and chemical.
This inservice contains basic information about the musculoskeletal system, especially the joints.
This course describes what the Minimum Data Set (MDS) is, how the data obtained through the MDS is used, and the role a CNA has in the completion of the MDS. This course discusses how CNA documentation, input, and participation in the staff interview process are important. We will also address how the MDS is related to residents’ individualized care plans.
This course explains how to read an OTC medication lable, gives tips to guard against tampering, and discusses how OTC medications may affect children and the elderly.
This course includes tips for preventing falls in hospitals, long term care facilities, and in clients’ homes.
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